
This is my coding portfolio, containing all the code that's fit for you to scrutinize. :)

Eventually this will hold projects I worked on as long ago as high school, but for now please check out these projects I've worked on more recently.


I developed this website with a team at Tech Elevator in order to generate interview schedules for employer matchmaking events.

OpenAPI Game Journal

This is an example OpenAPIv3 description for a potential video game journaling interface, inspired by letterboxd.com.


A national parks website made in Java featuring dynamically generated park pages, weather, and a "Pick your favorite park" poll.


A password cracker. I was really delighted to study encryption and hope to continue working with it in my career.


A vending machine made in command line with Java. An assignment through Tech Elevator.


A command-line version of Game of 15, a game which I'm incidentally not very good at. That said, making a version of it made me a little better at it and caused me to think about pathing algorithms in the context of an auto-solver God mode that I haven't finished implementing.